Blu-Ray playback libraries updates (BD-J)

12 July 2014

What’s new

For libaacs and libbdplus, the updates are minor and are mostly for fixing compilation against new libgcrypt, build system issues and a speed issue in libaacs when using MMC to retrieve the MKB.

For libbluray, this update is a major update.

This release is the first release where the BD-J (the Java interactivity layer) is actually usable.

The Java code was tested on Linux, Windows and MacOS, and it should work with J2ME and J2SE and with both the OpenJDK and Sun/Oracle’s JDK projects.

It’s quite big, since it adds more 200 commits, mostly in the Java code base (the diff is more than 15kLoC).

In addition to BD-J, it fixes numerous issues on Win32, improves cross-compilation and allows to compile without libxml.


In addition, here are 2 photos of VLC on a rPI, with a USB BD-drive, using VLC 2.2.0 hardware acceleration for decoding.

Note: this is not my setup.

HW.jpg VLC_Playing_BluRay.jpg


Pierre Dandumont made a couple of video of a Blu-Ray with menus.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 9 May 9090, 12:18 by Maxi

    Hey, thank you very much for this work! =)
    How can I get VLC under Linux to use the self-compiled libbluray 0.6.1 to show menus? I have a little collection too that could be helpful. AACS can be broken via MakeMKV/libmmbd wrapper to libaacs/libbdplus.

  2. On 18 May 18180, 9:10 by HacKurx


    Super merci pour votre travail! J’espère juste que libbdplus arrivera à temps pour la sortie de Debian Jessie :)…

  3. On 18 May 18180, 6:26 by spotter

    how does one get a version of vlc/libbluray that we can experiment with menus, I have a lot of discs I’m willing to throw at it.

  4. On 14 May 14140, 4:50 by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

    @Dandu: you should file a bug for every menu not working well.

  5. On 14 May 14140, 10:51 by Dandu

    I have tested with many Blu-ray : it’s better, i have menus on 11 movies, and it works partially on 11 other.

    The biggest problem, today, is the AACS key…