Build VLC media player under Ubuntu Feisty (7.04)

6 May 2007


So we are going to build the latest VLC possible.

Everything will be done in a console/terminal and should be straight-forward. Every question should be asked on the forum, or in the comments here.


Every line beginning with a # should be done as root, or using the sudo command. Every line beginning witha % is a normal line.

Building VLC

Prepare your environment

We need a few package starting from a fresh feisty:

# apt-get build-dep vlc 
# apt-get install subversion automake1.9 libtool cvs
# apt-get install libgcrypt-dev

Checkout VLC trunk and bootstrap the tree

% svn co svn:// vlc

% cd vlc
% ./bootstrap

Build ffmpeg and x264


x264 is a library to encode movies in H.264.

% cd extras/
% svn co svn:// x264
% cd x264
% make
% cd ..


ffmpeg is a codec library

# apt-get install libfaac-dev liblame-dev

% svn co svn:// ffmpeg
% cd ffmpeg
% ./configure --enable-gpl --enable-pp \ 
               --enable-pthreads --enable-libmp3lame  \ 
% make
% cd ..

% cd ..

Configure VLC

More packages

Yet a few package to install :D

# apt-get install libfaad2-dev libtwolame-dev libqt4-dev libjack-dev


% mkdir build; cd build;
%../configure --prefix=/usr \
        --enable-snapshot --enable-debug \
        --enable-dbus-control --enable-musicbrainz \
        --enable-shared-libvlc --enable-mozilla \
        --enable-lirc \
        --with-ffmpeg-tree=../extras/ffmpeg \
        --enable-x264 --with-x264-tree=../extras/x264 \
        --enable-shout --enable-taglib \
        --enable-v4l  \
        --enable-dvb  \
        --enable-realrtsp --disable-xvmc \
        --enable-svg   --enable-dvdread \
        --enable-dc1394 --enable-dv \
        --enable-theora --enable-faad \
        --enable-twolame --enable-real \
        --enable-flac --enable-tremor \
        --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame --with-ffmpeg-faac \
        --enable-skins2 --enable-qt4 \
        --enable-ncurses \
        --enable-aa --enable-caca \
        --enable-esd --disable-portaudio \
        --enable-jack --enable-xosd \
        --enable-galaktos --enable-goom \
        --enable-ggi \
        --disable-cddax --disable-vcdx \


% make

You just have to wait a bit :D

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 20 May 20200, 3:04 by JBK

    apt-get install libdc1394-dev and libraw1394-dev

  2. On 19 May 19190, 1:15 by Hongquan

    Hi ,
    I am new to linux and building vlc under Ubuntu 7.10 server edition.
    when I use configure to process the source code and found an error:“can’t find libraw1394 header "
    so I delete the configure –enable-dc1394 .but the erro is still there .
    could you tell me how to disable configure to check the 1394 header .thank you very much !

  3. On 15 May 15150, 4:29 by Packrat

    the last ..configure does not work for me. I get

    ../configure: No such file or directory

    I have cvs installed and am in the ~/vlc/build$ directory

  4. On 15 May 15150, 4:56 by ypctx

    @59: if that is a reaction to my comment, then my answer is:
    I want VLC with S/PDIF working on Ubuntu Feisty 64-bit.
    S/PDIF was fixed for version 0.8.6d, which will be not released for Feisty, unless it will be followed by a security update. Security is the only reason Ubuntu upgrades packages.
    So, logically, I need to compile VLC from sources, (that’s how I’ve found this Blog) which I yet wasn’t able to do for my 64-bit system.

  5. On 15 May 15150, 4:50 by ypctx

    @58: sorry, I got confused by the fact that my comments first appeared, and then dissapeared.
    In any way, you of course have the right to moderate your blog’s comments. I just didn’t like the fact that a possible solution got deleted..

    Basically - Debian or Ubuntu maintainers make some changes on the VLC sources, after which it’s possible to compile and link them on a 64-bit Linux system.

    The Hardy source VLC package I’ve rebuilt for Gutsy has the problem of randomly losing sound for about 1 second, every so often, ie. once in 1 to 5 minutes.
    I’m using S/PDIF, ALSA, IEC958 via HDA Nvidia on kernel. The S/PDIF passthrough output in Xfmedia works fine, so it must be a problem of the VLC package.

  6. On 9 May 9090, 12:48 by JBK

    What YOU suggest doesn’t build VLC 0.9x, but 0.8.6d, which is completely useless.

    If you want to develop something, use the trunk (0.9.0)

    If you want to test the trunk and next version, use the trunk (0.9.0)

    Else, use the packages… Don’t build it. this is useless.

  7. On 9 May 9090, 12:45 by JBK

    I don’t remove any comment, I just moderate them.

  8. On 9 May 9090, 8:04 by ypctx….

    may you live forever, my french friend.

  9. On 9 May 9090, 1:39 by ypctx

    hi, why did you remove my comment? i think many people who come here just want to get the latest VLC working, which doesnt have to be the SVN version… and I really could not get it working on the 64-bit in any other way, than the one I posted..

  10. On 8 May 8080, 5:55 by ypctx

    On Feisty 64-bit, the above didn’t work for me.. But got around it:) Here’s how:

    1. install these dev packages: (see the above VLC building guide to get the other necessary packages)

    apt-get install libdvdread-dev libmad0-dev liba52-0.7.4-dev libdts-dev libgsm1-dev libogg-dev libraw1394-dev libtheora-dev libvorbis-dev zlib1g-dev libdc1394-13-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libpostproc-dev libmpeg2-4-dev libwxbase2.8-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libportaudio-dev libdvdcss2-dev libmp4v2-dev libfaac-dev liblame-dev libavc1394-dev libfaad2-dev libtwolame-dev libasound2-dev lib32asound2-dev x11proto-core-dev libice-dev libsm-dev libxau-dev libxdmcp-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev xtrans-dev libx11-dev x11proto-render-dev libxrender-dev x11proto-xext-dev x11proto-fixes-dev libxfixes-dev libxcursor-dev libxext-dev libexpat1-dev libfreetype6-dev libfontconfig1-dev libxft-dev libxi-dev x11proto-xinerama-dev libxinerama-dev x11proto-randr-dev libxrandr-dev libxt-dev x11proto-video-dev libxv-dev libnspr-dev libnss-dev firefox-dev libslang2-dev libncurses5-dev libaa1-dev libartsc0-dev libaudio-dev libaudiofile-dev libesd0-dev libxmu-dev libjpeg62-dev liblcms1-dev libmng-dev libpng12-dev libgpg-error-dev libgcrypt11-dev libtasn1-3-dev libpopt-dev libopencdk8-dev liblzo-dev libgnutls-dev libcupsys2-dev mesa-common-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev qt3-dev-tools libqt3-mt-dev libarts1-dev libatk1.0-dev libavahi-common-dev libdbus-1-dev libavahi-client-dev libcucul-dev libcaca-dev libcairo2-dev libcdio-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libdirectfb-dev libdvbpsi4-dev libdvdnav-dev libebml-dev libflac-dev libfribidi-dev libgii1-dev libggi2-dev libpango1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libhal-dev libid3tag0-dev libtiff4-dev libungif4-dev libltdl3-dev libimlib2-dev libiso9660-dev liblivemedia-dev libmatroska-dev libmodplug-dev libmpcdec-dev libnotify-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libspeex-dev libtar-dev libvcdinfo-dev libwxbase2.6-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev libxml2-dev libxosd-dev xlibmesa-gl-dev liblircclient-dev libsmbclient-dev libsysfs-dev libjack0.100.0-dev libssl-dev comerr-dev libkrb5-dev libpq-dev libsqlite0-dev libqt4-dev libxpm-dev x11proto-xf86dga-dev libxxf86dga-dev x11proto-xf86misc-dev libxxf86misc-dev x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev libxxf86vm-dev

    1. go to:…
      At the bottom of the page, in the line beginning with “Source Package:”, there are 3 links: dsc, .tar.gz and .diff.gz – download these into a new directory.

    2. cd to the directory you created, and do:
      dpkg-source -x *.dsc

    3. cd to the directory created by the previous command, and do:
      dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

    4. cd .. and do:
      sudo dpkg -i *.deb

    You should have the latest VLC installed on your system now.

  11. On 19 May 19190, 11:07 by aef110

    How do I add a launcher to the Ubuntu menu for the compiled version? I’ve tried several variations of the following:

    %f //home/albert/vlc/build/./vlc

    Clearly, there’s some incorrect syntax, as nothing happens. However, when I navigate to that directory in a terminal and type ./vlc it works.

    Many thanks in advance.

    P.S. I noticed another user asked the same question and was replied to privately. I please request that answer to be posted on this blog for the benefit of fellow new users!

  12. On 8 May 8080, 12:15 by jpsaman

    I put up a script at that install all runtime dependencies of vlc. The same could be done for the dev libs. Maybe it is usefull for your tutorial.

  13. On 6 May 6060, 4:23 by James

    Hi there,
    This worked first time on Gutsy with the rt kernel… What an excellent guide: thanks very much!

  14. On 30 May 30300, 6:35 by JBK

    @jpsaman: you are right, this is incomplete, the sid version is more up to date.

    I’ll update it when I install a new ubuntu…

  15. On 30 May 30300, 6:44 by jpsaman

    The tutorial is incomplete and lacks installation of a52dec, libmad, libid3tag and much more useful features people would like to use on Feisty. Almost all these 3rd party libraries we as developers would like to install can be found on in their repository.

  16. On 30 May 30300, 6:40 by jpsaman

    There is a bug in your configure line, you both specify –disable-cddax –disable-vcdx and –enable-cddax –enable-vcdx. One or the other is enough.

    I suspect you wanted them disabled.

  17. On 30 May 30300, 1:20 by JBK

    Do you have llibgcrypt-dev installed ?

  18. On 29 May 29290, 8:00 by Niko

    Hi, I’m getting this kind of error (the last lines when running configure):
    checking for gcry_control in -lgcrypt… yes
    ../configure: line 72977: syntax error near unexpected token 1:1.1.94,' ../configure: line 72977: AM_PATH_LIBGCRYPT(1:1.1.94, have_libgcrypt=“yes”, have_libgcrypt=“no”)'

  19. On 23 May 23230, 10:49 by Ion

    Hi again I found the error , I updated from feisty and package libpthread-dev was a old package, so I delete it and installed libpthread-stubs0-dev from Gutsy repository, after this compilation works fine.
    Hope this help someone with the same problem.

  20. On 23 May 23230, 10:07 by Ion

    HI !
    good how to , but on my computer with ubuntu gutsy 7.10 it did not work, when I do first make (on x264 package) i have the following errors :

    /usr/include/pthread.h:285: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:36: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:286: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_attr_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:43: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_attr_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:287: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_key_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:109: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_key_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:289: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_mutexattr_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:79: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_mutexattr_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:290: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_mutex_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:73: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_mutex_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:291: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_condattr_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:105: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_condattr_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:292: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_cond_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:99: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_cond_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:293: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_rwlockattr_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:142: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_rwlockattr_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:294: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_rwlock_t’
    /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h:136: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_rwlock_t’ was here
    /usr/include/pthread.h:357: error: conflicting types for ‘pthread_kill’
    /usr/include/bits/sigthread.h:36: error: previous declaration of ‘pthread_kill’ was here
    make: *** [x264.o] Error 1
    Help please!!
    Thanks in advance.

  21. On 23 May 23230, 2:39 by JBK

    I mailed you with the solutions.

  22. On 23 May 23230, 12:22 by aef110

    I’m relatively new to Linux but seem to have followed your detailed instructions without triggering any error messages. I’m on Ubuntu Feisty and believe I’ve successfully compiled VLC for use with JACK.

    However… (stupid newbie question): How do I run it? VLC doesn’t appear on the menu, and typing “vlc” in a terminal returns this error:

    The program ‘vlc’ is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
    sudo apt-get install vlc-nox
    Make sure you have the ‘universe’ component enabled

    Does this mean the compile failed?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  23. On 22 May 22220, 11:02 by joe

    when running ./configure I had to apt-get alot of lib*-dev files. Configure failed about 6 times with what I needed to install.

  24. On 25 May 25250, 8:00 by debasish

    Can you give me the full step to build it without gui.

    What i mean is since we are doing
    apt-get build-dep vlc
    it installs lot of things.

    I only want to use it as vlc server and only for streaming. Can you let me know the minimum configuration.

    Second do i need ffmpeg for using vlc only for server.

    Any help would be great.

  25. On 23 May 23230, 9:48 by d

    what is the advantage in building vlc vis-a-vis installing it the usual way thru apt-get?

  26. On 18 May 18180, 11:56 by JBK

    @dragon: you are mistaken. This is done to build and compile VLC, not to install it.

    Building and compiling your whole OS would take a lot more time :D

  27. On 18 May 18180, 7:55 by dragon

    What a shit this is!!! even my operating system don’t take such a long time to this vlc media player or vlc operating system!!!!

  28. On 9 May 9090, 2:42 by JBK

    @ManRo: svn up && make should make it work again.

  29. On 6 May 6060, 12:00 by MaNRo

    I need some help here :)
    Everything went very smooth until I get to the final “make”, it just don’t seem to wok, this is the last part of the results:

    echo “#define Q_(a,b) QString::fromUtf8(_(a))” > ui/sout.h.tmp
    /usr/bin/uic-qt4 -tr “Q_” ../../../../modules/gui/qt4/ui/sout.ui » ui/sout.h.tmp
    sed -i -e ’s/Q_("_(\"(.)\")"/Q_("\1"/’ ui/sout.h.tmp
    mv -f ui/sout.h.tmp ui/sout.h
    COMPILE : qt4.cpp
    mkdir .libs
    g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../../modules/gui/qt4 -I../../.. -DSYS_LINUX -I../../../../include -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D__USE_UNIX98 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -DLOCALEDIR="/usr/share/locale" -DDATA_PATH="/usr/share/vlc" -DPLUGIN_PATH="/usr/lib/vlc" -DDEBUG -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -mtune=pentium2 -D__LIBVLC__ -D__PLUGIN__ -DMODULE_NAME=qt4 -DMODULE_NAME_IS_qt4 -g -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/include/qt4 -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -MT libqt4_plugin_la-qt4.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libqt4_plugin_la-qt4.Tpo -c ../../../../modules/gui/qt4/qt4.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/libqt4_plugin_la-qt4.o
    COMPILE : menus.cpp
    g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../../modules/gui/qt4 -I../../.. -DSYS_LINUX -I../../../../include -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D__USE_UNIX98 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -DLOCALEDIR="/usr/share/locale" -DDATA_PATH="/usr/share/vlc" -DPLUGIN_PATH="/usr/lib/vlc" -DDEBUG -O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops -mtune=pentium2 -D__LIBVLC__ -D__PLUGIN__ -DMODULE_NAME=qt4 -DMODULE_NAME_IS_qt4 -g -DQT_SHARED -I/usr/include/qt4 -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -MT libqt4_plugin_la-menus.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/libqt4_plugin_la-menus.Tpo -c ../../../../modules/gui/qt4/menus.cpp -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/libqt4_plugin_la-menus.o
    ../../../../modules/gui/qt4/menus.cpp: In static member function ‘static QMenu
    ERROR : ../../../../modules/gui/qt4/menus.cpp: 444: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct module_t’
    ERROR : ../../../../include/vlc_common.h: 242: forward declaration of ‘struct module_t’
    ERROR : ../../../../modules/gui/qt4/menus.cpp: 447: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct module_t’
    ERROR : ../../../../include/vlc_common.h: 242: forward declaration of ‘struct module_t’
    ERROR : ../../../../modules/gui/qt4/menus.cpp: 451: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct module_t’
    ERROR : ../../../../include/vlc_common.h: 242: forward declaration of ‘struct module_t’
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    Thanks for your help!

  30. On 3 May 3030, 5:16 by JBK

    Recompile x264 with –enable-pic

  31. On 1 May 1010, 10:30 by mamut

    I had big troubles at making the last point and i dont know what it means exactly, i installed from a fresh updated feisty.

    /bin/bash ../../libtool –tag=CC –mode=link gcc -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wsign-compare -Wundef -Wpointer-arith -Wbad-function-cast -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wold-style-definition -Wmissing-prototypes -Wvolatile-register-var -rpath ‘/opt/lib/vlc/codec’ -avoid-version -module -no-undefined -shrext .so -export-dynamic -o top\_builddir="../.." ../../vlc-config --libs plugin x264 -rpath ‘/opt/lib/vlc/codec’ -avoid-version -module -no-undefined -shrext .so -export-dynamic libx264_plugin_la-x264.lo -L../../src -lvlc
    gcc -std=gnu99 -shared .libs/libx264_plugin_la-x264.o -Wl,–rpath -Wl,/home/abox/vlc-compile/vlc/build/src/.libs -Wl,–rpath -Wl,/opt/lib -L/opt/lib -lpthread -lx264 -L/home/abox/vlc-compile/vlc/extras/x264 -lm /home/abox/vlc-compile/vlc/build/src/.libs/ -Wl,-soname -Wl, -o .libs/
    /usr/bin/ld: /home/abox/vlc-compile/vlc/extras/x264/libx264.a(common.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol’ can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

    /usr/bin/ld: /home/abox/vlc-compile/vlc/extras/x264/libx264.a(common.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol’ can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
    /home/abox/vlc-compile/vlc/extras/x264/libx264.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[4]: *** [] Error 1

    can anybody help me?

  32. On 9 May 9090, 10:40 by JBK

    You have to add libjack-dev.
    I updated the post for that.

  33. On 7 May 7070, 12:06 by jack

    i get this error
    checking for alsa/asoundlib.h… yes
    checking for main in -lasound… yes
    checking deschutes/libraries/hdmachinex225/PCMAudioPlayer.h usability… no
    checking deschutes/libraries/hdmachinex225/PCMAudioPlayer.h presence… no
    checking for deschutes/libraries/hdmachinex225/PCMAudioPlayer.h… no
    checking jack/jack.h usability… no
    checking jack/jack.h presence… no
    checking for jack/jack.h… no
    configure: error: cannot find JACK headers

    when the last ../configure is executed

    btw, anyone wishing to share a succesfully compiled .deb (feisty)¿


  34. On 1 May 1010, 1:58 by Jason

    Thank you for this great guide. I am building it on an x86_64 system. I have gotten to the very end, the last “make” on vlc and I get the following error.

    /usr/bin/ld: /home/jason/svn/vlc/extras/x264/libx264.a(common.o): relocation R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol’ can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
    /home/jason/svn/vlc/extras/x264/libx264.a: could not read symbols: Bad value
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    make[4]: *** [] Error 1

    any ideas?


  35. On 19 May 19190, 2:33 by Blessed

    For me below commands don’t work..
    svn co svn:// vlc
    svn co svn:// x264
    Whenever i write above command ,for me it says after 3 to 4 minutes
    “Can’t connect to host ‘’: Connection timed out”
    i dont know what is the problem,although i am connected to the internet.

  36. On 19 May 19190, 9:32 by JBK

    @blessed: the server is up. Are you sure you did not mistake anything ?

    @crispy: well, then you downloaded the wrong repository and the wrong files…

  37. On 19 May 19190, 9:30 by JBK

    @granjerox: I haven’t tested a lot the mozilla plugin, since they change a lot the dependencies those days. Try to install mozilla dev packages like libxul-dev, mozilla-dev and so on.

  38. On 18 May 18180, 7:46 by crispy

    At the x264 part i typed in

    svn co svn:// x264

    instead of

    svn co svn:// x264

    It seems to download and install alot of files tho :D

  39. On 18 May 18180, 3:43 by blessed

    When i try this command it says
    ‘svn co svn:// vlc’
    unable to connect the remote host.Is the server address changed.

  40. On 18 May 18180, 2:55 by Blessed

    I tried to install vlc but i ended up at this command,
    svn co svn:// vlc
    it seems like the address of SVN server is changed or server is down…Is it so?

  41. On 18 May 18180, 12:09 by granjerox

    while compiling i had lots of errors about

    it says “not defined in this environment”

  42. On 18 May 18180, 11:24 by granjerox

    I had to install also
    sudo apt-get install libjack0.100.0-dev libfaad2-0 libfaad2-dev libtwolame-dev libtwolame0 libqt4-dev

    before the ./configure …. could finish properly

  43. On 15 May 15150, 1:19 by Ez

    I also had to install libjack on FF….thanks for the tip NARG.

  44. On 14 May 14140, 2:15 by Dule

    I have sent you email.
    with all my lines after i do last configure so if u could help with that cuz i’m new w/ linux

  45. On 14 May 14140, 1:07 by JBK

    @Dule: Your configure did not finished correctly then. Check it or ask on the forum.

  46. On 14 May 14140, 12:35 by Dule

    Everything worked ok and when in build i type “make” it says:
    make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
    and again i have path: dule@dule-ubuntu:~/vlc/build$

    What is problem??

  47. On 13 May 13130, 3:16 by JBK

    @Dule: What does it says exactly? Did your configure worked correctly?

  48. On 13 May 13130, 1:10 by Dule

    On Finish
    last command make - i can’t do.
    ANd i did install libfaad2-dev libtwolame-dev libqt4-dev
    and made directrorium build and all those commands -and when i want to do “make” it just ain’t hapening…

  49. On 11 May 11110, 3:38 by Sebastien Dionne

    merci. je pensais utiliser les extras au lieu d’installer les dépendances.. mais ca sert à rien finalement :)

    j’ai réussi à compiler vlc sans problème après, mais j’ai jamais été capable de faire fonctionner vlc avec sdl. j’ai même laisser des posts sur le forum de vlc, mais aucune réponse encore. :(

    J’essaye dl’utiliser vlc et sdl sous une PS3

  50. On 4 May 4040, 5:55 by JBK

    @Ustun: Of course, and debian is a lot better than ubuntu, the question is clear… This post was just about what happen one day, and my Sid was far away.

    Also, nightlies are available for Sid, and not for feisty :D

  51. On 4 May 4040, 1:06 by Ustun

    Almost the same steps can be done on a Debian; however Debian Multimedia reps have to be enabled.

  52. On 3 May 3030, 12:17 by Axio

    Merci !

    Ça fonctionne super bien ;)

  53. On 31 May 31310, 11:07 by JBK


    Euh, pourquoi tu as compilé extras/contrib ? Je n’en parle pas du tout dans mon explication. Compiler avec extras/contrib est une autre paire de manche.

    Faire ainsi change ton processus de compilation et tu n’en as pas besoin sous ubuntu, quelque soit la plateforme. Et en particulier cela explique ton pb de intl/

  54. On 30 May 30300, 3:10 by Sebastien Dionne


    j’ai essayé de compiler VLC sous Ubuntu pour une PS3. J’ai voulu compiler VLC, car la version que j’avais ne contenait pas les modules SDL. Disons que VLC lag des fois, j’avais le meme probleme avec MPlayer avant que j’utilise sdl.

    J’ai downloadé les sources avec SVN et le trunk.

    Observation #1 : il y a 3 projets qui compilent pas sous extra/contrib. gnutls, lua, goom2k4. Je les ai mis en commentaire dans le makefile, pour continuer la compilation des autres, et je les ai installé avec apt-get.

    #2 : j’ai fait ./bootstrap suivi de ./configure. mais dans le ./configure il y a des problemes, car il ne trouve pas le dans /intl. C’est vrai y avait juste le ficheir Le trunk ne contient pas assez de fichier.. meme fait un update.. j’ai downloadé le source de la version 0.86b et ajouter les fichiers manquant dans le rep et j’ai pu compilé le tout.

    Observation #3 : une fois compiler j’ai fait ./vlc mais comment je vais pour avoir l’interface graphique ?

  55. On 24 May 24240, 10:36 by JBK

    @visitor: Sorry, I can’t, I don’t have an Ubuntu right now, I made that post when I was with my father’s computer. You should be able to use sid nightlies on feisty, btw.

  56. On 24 May 24240, 8:04 by visitor

    Thank you for the instructions. Could you perhaps post of build of vlc? a static deb file would be nice :-)

  57. On 22 May 22220, 12:40 by nargle

    Great guide !

    Needed to apt-get install libjack0.100.0-dev to complete final
    ../configure on my Feisty Fawn install.



  58. On 12 May 12120, 1:35 by yinch

    YES! installing cvs fixed that. thank you everyone

  59. On 11 May 11110, 4:04 by bill

    sudo apt-get install build-essential

    that will install everything you need to build stuff

  60. On 11 May 11110, 2:25 by JBK

    Thanks. CVS has been added.

  61. On 10 May 10100, 9:02 by yinglcs

    I think you need to install ‘cvs’ on your ubuntu.
    It works for me after i install ‘cvs.’

  62. On 10 May 10100, 1:30 by JBK

    To both of you: I may have made a mistake in the directory, but I don’t think so.

    At the end of the cd.. cd.., before to do the build directory (mkdir build), you should be in the vlc directory, the one where you ./bootstrap.

  63. On 10 May 10100, 11:49 by yinch

    Thank you for documenting your steps and sharing theses instructions.

    I have tried these instructions and all goes well until the final section.

    after doing

    apt-get install libfaad2-dev libtwolame-dev libqt4-dev

    doing the
    %../configure –prefix=/usr …… -disable-quicktime

    doesn’t work - there is no “configure” executable in the directory above the “build” folder (as far as I can tell)

    would greatly appreciate any insight you might be able to provide.


  64. On 9 May 9090, 3:23 by Taheton


    If I want to configure vlc I become the error message that configure is not available.

    ../configure: No such file or directory

    Any suggestion?

    Regards Frank