Configure-step in VLC building.

15 December 2007


VLC can be built with a classical process: ./bootstrap; ./configure --options; make

However, since VLC is very modular, not everyone wants the same modules built so the configure line can be very long.

Therefore, I’ll try to explain a bit the main configure options and give a few examples.



General and Developers options

--prefix=/usr \
--host= \
--build= \

--enable-debug | --enable-release # Choose the mode you want

--enable-optimizations            # Optimisations are good idea
--enable-sse --enable-mmx         # for releases

--enable-optimize-memory          # Smaller memory for less perf

--enable-cprof --enable-gprof     # Profiling
--enable-fast-install             # Libtool

--enable-testsuite                # If you want the tests to be built

--enable-static                   # Static libraries
--enable-shared                   # Shared libraries
--with-words                      # Endianess

Main VLC options

--enable-vlm                      # VLC Manager
--enable-visual                   # Visualisations
--enable-update-check             # Check the updates?
--enable-sout                     # Streaming Server
--enable-snapshot                 # Create VIdeo Snapshots
--enable-lua                      # Script VLC

--enable-freetype --enable-fribidi # No Need to disable this
--enable-nls --enable-libxml2      # or that.


--enable-a52 [--with-a52-fixed]   # AC-3
--enable-faad                     # MPEG-4 Audio
--enable-fluidsynth               # Midi
--enable-mpc                      # Musepack Audio
--enable-real                     # Real Audio
--enable-loader                   # DirectMediaObject support for WMV
--enable-twolame                  # MPGA Encoding
--enable-x264                     # H.264 Encoding
--enable-zvbi | --enable-telx     # Teletext support
--enable-dca                      # DTS
--enable-ffmpeg                   # lots of codecs
[--with-ffmpeg-a52 --with-ffmpeg-mp3lame --with-ffmpeg-zlib --with-ffmpeg-amrnb --with-ffmpeg-amrwb --with-ffmpeg-faac --with-ffmpeg-theora --with-ffmpeg-vorbis ]
--enable-mad                      # Mpga decoding


Video Outputs

--enable-xvideo                     # Linux

--enable-wingdi                     # Win32

--enable-opengl                     # All

Audio outputs

--enable-alsa                       # Unix

--enable-waveout                    # Windows


--enable-screen                     # Desktop record

--enable-bda                        # DVB for windows
--enable-dshow                      # DirectShow device

--enable-v4l                        # video 4 linux
--enable-v4l2                       # video 4 linux 2
--enable-dvb                        # DVB for Linux
--enable-pvr                        # PVR/IVTV
--enable-dv                         # DV support

--enable-gnutls                     # Encrypted streams
--enable-gnomevfs                   # Gnome VFS-
--enable-smb                        # Samba/Windows shares
--enable-cdda | --enable-cddax      # CD Audio
--enable-dvdnav                     # DVD video
--enable-vcd | --enable-vcdx        # VCD
--enable-dc1394                     # 1394 support
--enable-live555 --enable-realrtsp  # RTSP

--enable-bonjour --enable-cyberlink # Various Service discoveries
--enable-upnp                       #


--enable-mkv                        # Matroska
--enable-mod                        # ModPlug (instruments)
--enable-ogg                        # Ogg
--enable-gme                        # GME videogames


--enable-qnx                        # QNX platform
--enable-qt4                        # Default interface in Qt4
--enable-qte                        # QTE/Opie interface
--enable-skins2                     # skins2
--enable-wxwidgets                  # Old default interface in wxWidgets
--enable-xosd                       # OSD interface
--enable-ncurses                    # Ncurses interface
--enable-fbosd                      # FrameBuffer interface
--enable-pda                        # Small gtk interface
--enable-httpd                      # HTTP daemon and interface

--enable-mozilla                    # Mozilla integration
--enable-activex                    # IE and ActiveX integration
--enable-dbus                       # D-Bus control
--enable-lirc                       # InfraRed Remotes


--enable-galaktos --enable-goom

Metadata support

--enable-id3tag                     # metadata using id3tag
--enable-taglib                     # metadata using taglib
--enable-musicbrainz                # Musicbrainz
--enable-libcddb                    # CDDB/FreeDB integration
--enable-libcdio                    # CD-Text

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 31 May 31310, 1:16 by Pradeep

    Very helpful and to the point.

    Thank you.