CoverFlow and VLC in a webpage

27 April 2008

This is just a very short post about a cool hack made by someone on the VideoLAN forum: VLC&Coverflow.

This webpage uses Flash technology to let you choose the movie you want, in a CoverFlow-Like mode.

When selected, you can get the VLC to play it without the disadvantages of Flash Video format (slow, low quality, CPU hungry…)

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 14 May 14140, 3:24 by Francesco

    Does VLC have a plugin for coverflow ?
    I am running kubuntu 11.04 .. it would be great to have vlc play all my media files (audio and video) selecting them by cover art.

  2. On 23 May 23230, 11:16 by NiN^_^NiN

    Hey it’s great to see that some people are using my hacks and surprised to see it on a site outside of the vlc forum :)

    There is a newer version being done as well which is all HTML no flash just css and html :)