Not mine. Tombigel did it.
22 June 2021
Not mine. Tombigel did it.
On 4 May 4040, 11:59 by hoax
merci à vous popur ces images :D
On 23 May 23230, 10:16 by JBK
Translation of the previous comment… Google rot13 if you don’t understand.
very funny, thank you for making my day! too bad you didn’t include a time machine pod with a windows flag being flushed down the hole in the background. vlc is the best media player in the world, and this pic should be the official logo! too bad trademark issues would cloud such a possibility, stupid reality!! vlc makes me happy
On 22 May 22220, 4:04 by microwave hamster
irel shaal, gunax lbh sbe znxvat zl qnl! gbb onq lbh qvqa’g vapyhqr n gvzr znpuvar cbq jvgu n jvaqbjf synt orvat syhfurq qbja gur ubyr va gur onpxtebhaq. iyp vf gur orfg zrqvn cynlre va gur jbeyq, naq guvf cvp fubhyq or gur bssvpvny ybtb! gbb onq genqrznex vffhrf jbhyq pybhq fhpu n cbffvovyvgl, fghcvq ernyvgl!! iyp znxrf zr unccl