Last weeks in VideoLAN - 53

24 August 2016

53rd VideoLAN report

During the core of the hot European summer, here is a weekly report about the last 2 weeks in the VLC and VideoLAN communities!

It was a bit calm, to be honest; and I’m a bit late to publish. Summer is the cause :)



The week started by a lot of code cleanup and renaming for the Mac OS interface. We also had improvements focus on the Sierra release.

On the decoding side, we’ve had some improvement for hardware decoding in Direct3D11, focused on HEVC decoding.

We also had fixes for the OSX VideoToolbox decoder, notably to be able to restart the decoder when required.

A module supporting the AV1 from the Alliance for Open Media was merged too. So far, it’s only a decoder, and disabled by default.

On the streaming side, the MP4 muxer timestamps were fixed. It was also backported to the 2.2.x branch.

We now have ARM64 assembly for our deinterlacer, which will be very useful for iOS, Apple TV and Android TV.

Finally, we had fixes for RTSP passwords saving in the keystore, improvements for RTSP support and the H264 packetizer, and we added support for UTF8 filenames in FTP directory listings, and support for DiscNumber and DiscTotal metadata in MP4, and DNxHR!


On Android, we’ve mostly fixed crashes, updated translations and pushed 2.0.6 in production, on the play store.

The work is mostly done now on the new media library code, that will be merged later.


On UWP, the focus has been on the XBox 1, and mostly on how we can upload files on the box, since we don’t have access to the filesystem.

The current solution is using an HTTP webserver to upload the files from your browser, and support for USB disks.

That’s all for those weeks, see you next!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 18 May 18180, 9:59 by Alex

    “On the decoding side, we’ve had some improvement for hardware decoding in Direct3D11, focused on HEVC decoding.”

    This is good to hear! I felt like there might be some more room for improvement. Hopefully this will eventually apply to the UWP version as well - 4K HEVC content is still a bit heavy on the current public release. Speaking of which, any ETA on the next beta? We’re still on the first beta. It works fairly well for the most part, but it does have some quirks and stability issues from time to time.

    Oh… will the UWP version ever gain the ability to play DVDs and Blurays?