On the road to VLC 1.1.0: introduction

13 March 2010

VLC 1.0.0

The 1.0.0 version of VLC has been very popular, partly due to its stability (compared to 0.9.x) and due to its constant improvements ( revisions were 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, 1.0.4, 1.0.5 and soon 1.0.6).

VLC 1.0.0 was out in last July, 8 month ago. We need to move on.


VLC 1.1.0 is on its way, and I’ll start a few articles to introduce VLC 1.1.0 features and highlights.

VLC 1.1.0: Codename and statistics

VLC 1.1.0 will be named The Luggage, because of DiscWorld.

This is huge change, since VLC codenames were taken from the Goldeneye movie.


  • 6800 commits have been pushed since 1.0.0-rc1, the first release candidate of VLC 1.0.0
  • 2327 files changed, 429662 insertions(+), 346267 deletions(-)
  • 139 different commiters
  • The biggest commiter has 1822 commits, 2 other commiters have around 770 commits, 1 has 650 and 1 has almost 500 commits. Those 5 developers represent 2 thirds of the total of commits.


The highlights of VLC 1.1.0 will be…

… at the next articles. :D


Part 1: Faster

Part 2: Better

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 13 May 13130, 9:11 by JBK

    @georges: trickmode works for VLC as a client, if the server support negative “scale”

  2. On 13 May 13130, 8:33 by georges

    Hello JB,

    will trickmode VOD be supported in VLC 1.1?
    I’m especially interested in compatibility with Kasenna/Espial MediaBase.



  3. On 13 May 13130, 2:36 by Jeroenz0r

    This is going to be great!

    Keep it up :)