Qt4 Interface

12 February 2007

Qt4 Interface

I am going to speak a bit of the new Qt-based interface and the FUD I have seen around this future interface.

A new UI should be shipped with VLC media player version 0.9.0.

  • First, it will be shipped in parallel to the wxWidgets Interface
  • Then, it will replace totally the wx Interface.

Why ?

This is the most asked question… There are a few answers:

  • We had a lot of problems with right-to-left languages,
  • We had a lot of problems with Unicode and Wide-Characters support,
  • We lacked a few features,
  • We needed to enhance this UI, and the main coder left,
  • To test something new.

So, as we couldn’t stay with wx, we had basically two choices Multi-OS:

The choice has been what the motivated coder had choose (zorglub), and also because Qt4 provides a shorter code and a bit easier to read. Zorglub wanted to test it, so let’s go.


Qt is evil! Qt is not Open Source

Come on, this troll is not true anymore, and it has been said over and over, pfff. I know that good trolls are getting rarer (especially because of SUN… :D)

Why are you moving to KDE ? VLC is going to use all my RAM !

OMG! This is because a lot of people don’t do the differences between KDE and KApplications and Qt and QApplications.

VLC will be using QT libraries not KDE libraries, so not to worry about it.

People using KDE4, will inherit the KDE presentation, and other people will have the cleanlook style, which is very gtk…

I am going to fork VLC

Pfff, I don’t believe you. And you don’t have to, because VLC is a very modular program, and you can use it without a GUI.

But, if you feel the time to improve the old wx interface or code a GTK-based interface, please do so, and submit the patches that we will integrate in the trunk, so you will have only to provide new compilations with the enable-gtk or enable-wx. VLC is open source and we welcome all the efforts toward us.

Just a thought about linux desktop and Wars.

I have been so bored about the FUD and the Wars between KDE and Gnome and the graphical libraries…

I have also been so bored of seeing two time the same development one based on KDE libs, the other one on Gnome libs, when it could juste be based on Qt libs and GTK libs. A lot of things should be standardized and should not rely on the desktop manager…

About look and feel integration, when you use GTK software under KDE, you use the ‘gtk2qt’ GTK+ engines that makes the default Qt draw your application.

But, under gnome, you don’t have a ‘qt2gtk’ Qt engine that would let the defaut GTK+ engine draw the application ! Why ?

When Qt4 interface will be shipped ?

When it will be ready :D

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 2 May 2020, 1:49 by ekerazha

    It was a big issue, but clearly you can’t understand it.

  2. On 30 May 30300, 8:37 by Vamp898

    For the last part

    The gtk2qt engine is just a overdrwaing stuff

    The Stuff is first drawed by GTK+ and then overlayed by Qt.

    This looks terrible and does not work all the times

    Qt have since 4.4 (as i know) and feature wich lets Qt Stuff directly drawn by GTK.

  3. On 29 May 29290, 11:45 by JBK

    So far, Qt interface does all what wx could do and even more.

  4. On 20 May 20200, 6:35 by airpain

    What is used underneath, I really don’t care. What I do like about .8.6 is the menu selections, placements and buttons. What people have been asking is if it’s not a big issue, can that look and feel be put back in. The engine that’s used to do that, they don’t care I think. The “old” interface gave them just the right amount of options they wanted. They’re referring to the menus selections, the look and feel, the buttons where they are. Frankly, they could care less if Qt was underneath, as long as they get to see the button placements and menu words just the way it used to be. If that doesn’t make sense, then I’m at a loss as to how to explain it further.

  5. On 14 May 14140, 11:03 by asdf

    ‘User “asdf” (he doesn’t have the bravery to use his true nickname) is the living that the biggest trolls are the ones who accuse others to be “trolls”.’

    You are not even close to what this is about.

    ‘However… now QT 4.5 is LGPL too. End of the problem.’

    Was a non existing issue from the beginning if you just paid a bit attention. Good to hear it’s now solved.

  6. On 9 May 9090, 11:41 by ekerazha

    User “asdf” (he doesn’t have the bravery to use his true nickname) is the living that the biggest trolls are the ones who accuse others to be “trolls”.

    However… now QT 4.5 is LGPL too. End of the problem.

  7. On 8 May 8080, 9:44 by Daniel

    I’m a coder (C/C++) and I’ve been using the QT framework recently for a project I’ve been working on and I was pleasantly surprised by how clean and readable the code was. Good choice using qt. Readable code = less bugged code = happy developers

  8. On 1 May 1010, 10:29 by JBK

    @Alex: oui, c’est sur; il faut compiler Qt depuis gentoo, et ça c’est chiant. Mais juste QtCore et QtGui pour VLC, pas le reste.

    Pour Windows 64bit, c’est quand quelqu’un a le temps :)

  9. On 1 May 1010, 9:32 by Alex_FR

    “VLC sous WX nécessite wxGTK qui a besoin de GTK… Donc”

    La face caché de WX alors… :D

    Et bien, ce n’est peut-être pas la mort d’installer qt, mais ça casse tout de même le principe qu’on peut avoir par exemple sous Gentoo comme je l’ai exposé… Bon c’est vrai, on est pas majoritaire, ça reste malgré tout dommage. Longue vie tout de même à VLC !

    Sinon, un peu HS, des nouvelles de la version x64 sous Windows ?

  10. On 1 May 1010, 7:55 by JBK

    Alex: VLC sous WX nécessite wxGTK qui a besoin de GTK… Donc

    L’avantage de wxwidgets c’était de ne pas nécessiter ni gtk, ni qt etil s’insérait plutôt pas trop mal dans chaque environnement, ce quiravissait absolument tout le monde.

    est faux.

    De plus, Qt, avec QtGtkStyle s’intégre aussi bien dans Gtk que dans le reste.

    Les libQt nécessaire (QtCore et QtGui) font environ 15Mb sur le disque… (8 à télécharger), donc c’est pas la mort.

  11. On 1 May 1010, 10:22 by Alex_FR

    Salut JB,

    Je ne savais pas trop où poster, je n’ai pas non plus lu la tonne de commentaires ici, je suppose que tu dois être assez exaspéré des commentaires non constructif, cependant je suis obligé de suivre un peu l’avis général, je ne suis pas satisfait du passage à Qt pour VLC. En fait, c’est surtout de l’incompréhension qui m’interpelle. J’ai lu je ne sais plus sur quel site (PCInpact ?) tes interventions, où tu disais que VLC sa grande force est d’être parfaitement multiplateforme, sans pour autant exploiter des fonctionnalités trop particulières à chaque plateforme (comprendre par là identique trait pour trait sur toutes les plateformes). Même si l’utilisation de Qt ne casse pas ce principe, je trouve que c’est oublier ceux qui ne veulent pas installer les bibliothèques Qt, par exemple parce qu’ils utilisent une interface Gtk. Dans mon cas, j’utilise Gentoo sous Xfce, j’ai clairement mis dans mon make.conf en USE “-qt”. L’avantage de wxwidgets c’était de ne pas nécessiter ni gtk, ni qt et il s’insérait plutôt pas trop mal dans chaque environnement, ce qui ravissait absolument tout le monde.
    Ce n’est pas un troll contre Qt, mais plutôt une incompréhension de choix, j’aurais réagi pareil si vous aviez choisi gtk. Je sais que votre avis a été exposé un peu partout, mais je voulais avoir ton avis personnel là dessus.

    Et pardon si je m’exprime en français, j’y suis plus à l’aise ;)


  12. On 16 May 16160, 12:23 by JBK

    Can you explain why?

  13. On 15 May 15150, 10:02 by qt SUCKS gtk PWNS

    hate it, hate it, hate it!!! VLC!!!!!! You have let me downnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :’-(

  14. On 5 May 5050, 10:19 by asdf

    So I should have asked why all tar balls >=0.9.0 on http://download.videolan.org/pub/vi… do not contain this gui?

    “The fact that you don’t have activated it, is not my problem…”

    It’s still not just a matter of activating even ./menuconfig and ./build-vlc suggests so. Give it a try.

    “If you want a bug, try going in and out of fullscreen, and randomly, you will loose the hotkeys interaction with the core.”

    ~/devel/vlc $ ./vlc_gui_tester.pl
    VLC media player 0.8.6i Janus

    • Attempting to switch fullscreen mode 1'000'000 times.
    • Be prepared to wait for a long time.
    • Done
    • Releasing vlc
      ~/devel/vlc $ [00000249] access_file access error: seeking too far
      [00000326] access_file access error: seeking too far
      [00000236] main playlist: stopping playback

    I let this program run 5 times and each time the hotkeys worked as expected afterwards. VLC switched fullscreen mode at about 40Hz, almost four times as fast as the default character repeat rate of keyboards. 5'000'000 switches (a lot more than I would during normal use in a lifespan) and no breakage. So I can’t reproduce this bug on my end.

    And here some configure output so you know a little about the test setup:

    • Using wxWidgets: gtk2-unicode-release-2.6

    vlc configuration

    vlc version : 0.8.6i
    system : linux
    architecture : x86_64 mmx
    build flavour : devel
    vlc aliases : wxvlc

    And here line 1542 of the NEWS file in git v 0.9.8 because you mentioned UTF-8 more than once:

    • The wxWindows interface is now fully useable as well as Unicode safe

    Exactly my experience.

  15. On 3 May 3030, 12:58 by JBK


    And this is 0.9.9

  16. On 2 May 2020, 4:21 by asdf

    $ tar xjf vlc-0.8.6i.tar.bz2

    $ find vlc-0.8.6i/ -name wx*


    $ tar xjf vlc-0.9.8a.tar.bz2

    $ find vlc-0.9.8a/ -name wx*

    Tell me more about this option please.

  17. On 2 May 2020, 12:13 by JBK

    Can you share your theme?

  18. On 2 May 2020, 2:34 by GtkThemeDesigner

    You stated:

    “BTW, Qt can now render using the GTK+ styles. As in whatever the hell GTK+ is using as a widget style Qt will take that look on.”

    [1] GTK THEME-ing BROKEN in QT

    I am developing an OSX-style GTK+ style. IT does NOT work under the qt gtk style renderer. I was sadly disspointed when many of my themes did not work under this new program. I wish it did work.

    This is not true that Qt can render its widgets, it does not work, and I am a theme developer, GTK for example has at least 5 different “Mac OSX” themes. QT has NONE!

    if you go to KDE-LOOK, you will see nothing for KDE4, whereas GTK has lots of themes, in fact, tons of them.

    GTK can look JUST THE WAY I WANT IT. Imagine if Firefox was developed under QT, you could not have all the wonderful GUI themes. GTK delivers in the theme department. QT does not. Just look at the Mac4Lin project in Gtk and look at all the tons of themes for Firefox available.

    Where is the website with hundreds of QT themes? I can’t find any. Where are all the themes for KDE4? nonexistant?

    [2] FONT RENDERING is BROKEN in QT4, to
    be fixed in Qt4.5 which is not out.


    Apps on Qt4.x do not display the font correctly, they are overhinted, and they do not look normal. I own a Mac, and Vista machine, and GTK *** exactly *** renders the fonts 100%. I use Vista fonts under GTK as well as Mac fonts under GTK apps and they work just fine. QT apps look horrible. QT3-based apps, like Scribus, which I use often don’t have this font bug and work fine.

  19. On 2 May 2020, 12:11 by JBK

    0.9.8a has both the Qt and the wx GUI. It compiles and the code is activable…

    The fact that you don’t have activated it, is not my problem…

    If you want a bug, try going in and out of fullscreen, and randomly, you will loose the hotkeys interaction with the core.

  20. On 1 May 1010, 7:18 by asdf

    Sorry for not coming back earlier to this issue.

    “The code was removed because the code doesn’t compile for month…”

    version 0.8.6i from 2008-Jul-08 23:57:17 compiled just fine here. At least I couldn’t find a broken feature or any misbehavior.
    version 0.9.0 from 2008-Aug-24 22:16:32 doesn’t include the wx Gui.

    “The wx code was broken on compilation, and many features were buggy and those were issues from inside the library.”

    From inside the library? You must talk about a very specific implementation thereof.

    “So what is exactly your point? You don’t like Qt for what reason?”

    I have no feeling whatsoever regarding qt. It’s just a toolkit
    with it’s api. Comparing the current state of the implementation wxGTK for example has far less shortcomings then qt4. I expect this to change in future. And I do think you do right to put all your energy into the qt gui.

    So and now to the actual point:
    “Noone stepped in to maintain the wx code in 3 years, when we asked help to maintain it.”
    You called out in the forest. The only way to ask people for help is to show them the code breaking on their machine. I upgraded from 0.8.6i (fully working) directly to version 0.9.8a from 2008-Dec-07 17:33:50. So tell me how should I and many others have noticed a possible breakage and the need for help?

  21. On 24 May 24240, 3:00 by JBK

    “Thats a reason to stop active development but not to remove the code.”

    The code was removed because the code doesn’t compile for month… Noone stepped in to maintain the wx code in 3 years, when we asked help to maintain it.

    “Not maintaining the wx gui is far less work than maintaining the qt one, so I still do not see why it had to be removed.”

    The wx code was broken on compilation, and many features were buggy and those were issues from inside the library.

    “So it’s the look and feel.”

    Yeah, and you can achieve the same look with Qt that you had in wx.

    “I was never missing a feature, so why do I need more? Is it the more the better?”

    No, but working feature is better than broken features (RTL, polling, event propagation, deadlocks, always-on-top). And Qt makes us have a fullscreen controller, which is a huge plus.

    So what is exactly your point? You don’t like Qt for what reason?

  22. On 24 May 24240, 1:56 by asdf

    WxWidgets had issues that were unsolvable because of the toolkit (RTL, UTF8, event propagation).

    Thats a reason to stop active development but not to remove the code.

    Moreover, the Qt interface has more feature than wxwidgets and is more maintainable.

    I was never missing a feature, so why do I need more? Is it the more the better? Not maintaining the wx gui is far less work than maintaining the qt one, so I still do not see why it had to be removed.

    What do you exactly like in wx interface that you don’t like in Qt?
    The bugs in qt4 (the library) get hopefully sorted out one day. So it’s the look and feel. For Windows and KDE users this might be difficult to grasp. I took a look in screenshots for vlc on Windows and the difference is not that huge. For me the change to qt means a new player.

    I’s a bit misleading to say wxwidgets is broken, it’s just you prefer the qt4 API and I do understand this. The wx gui still works as it always did and will likely do so for a long time to come, right?

  23. On 24 May 24240, 9:11 by SneakyWho_am_i

    ekerazha is just a troll - maybe deliberately and maybe not.

    I have always been a big fan of GTK+, but I only ever coded in it from PHP. Now in C++ I’m learning to use QT4 and I’ve got to say, I love it. Both are fantastic - I really like QT4 though and it’s cool that VLC would move to it. Excellent choice, keep up the good work!

    It’s especially awesome that all three interfaces will work for some time (wxwidgets, qt4, command line). And the difference to the end user? I am guessing….. NOTHING! Everyone wins.

  24. On 22 May 22220, 3:06 by JBK

    WxWidgets had issues that were unsolvable because of the toolkit (RTL, UTF8, event propagation).

    Moreover, the Qt interface has more feature than wxwidgets and is more maintainable.

    What do you exactly like in wx interface that you don’t like in Qt?

    I am not missing any argument since they aren’t any from your part. (hint: “I prefer this to that” is NOT an argument)

  25. On 22 May 22220, 1:36 by asdf

    Once again, a comment with no argumentation. What do you want me to say?

    Why is it that you DESPISE wxwidgets and why you do not want people to have a choice, maybe? Actually I’m less interested in what you say than what you do.

    Fortunately, people like the new GUI…

    Obviously there are BOTH those who prefer the qt one and those who prefer the wxwidegts one. Why you don’t want to see this fact?

    Seriously, I am sick of those kind of comments, unargumented…

    What argument are you missing or shall I now ask what do you want me to say? If you do not feel like answering then just don’t do it.

  26. On 20 May 20200, 8:49 by JBK

    Once again, a comment with no argumentation. What do you want me to say?

    Seriously, I am sick of those kind of comments, unargumented… Fortunately, people like the new GUI…

  27. On 19 May 19190, 6:10 by asdf

    About the wxWidgets gui, it’s already gone. At least for non geeks who are still used to compile their software. Why not just drop development and let those who love the old have their gui. gmplayer is a good example of how on can do things.

    It’s not about gtk vs qt (even if I don’t like the look of qt4, qt3 is better) or about gnome versus kde as I don’t use any of those. wxWidgets has bindings to a lot more toolkits than just those two. Even if broken, it’s the only gui I ever used for a player. vlc as a back end was then the logical choice. The vlc core as frontend is immo inferior to mplayer. So it’s either stick to <=vlc-0.9 or abandon vlc.

    About broken, the new gui place windows halfway out of the desktop, doesn’t remember position or sizes of windows and on and on.

    I hope you come to your mind at let something like
    ./configure –disable-qt4 –enable-wx
    work in future releases. Anything else I take as stubbornness.


  28. On 21 May 21210, 3:41 by Jakob Petsovits

    Appendix: I’ve reconsidered my media player choice since I last left a comment in here, so I’ve switched to VLC now. It’s just so much better as video player that Dragon Player’s KDE integration can’t quite make up for that :-]

  29. On 5 May 5050, 12:06 by troller

    i used qt for years, it’s a complete framework, ultra portable, light and easy. btw, who cares about the GUI, vlc il well-layered, you can program another gui whenever you want

  30. On 3 May 3030, 9:27 by JBK

    @Eric: I have a hard time to see your point here. You are very true, but that doesn’t make the VLC use of Qt bad :D

  31. On 2 May 2020, 7:05 by Eric

    Sure, I wish Qt was totally free just as much as any other programmer (i.e., I could use Qt for free, and sell my apps made with it). But let’s all be totally fair and objective here, GPL was designed keeping in mind that you were free to license your products however you wanted (even if you borrowed from free open-source GPL’ed things, you could still charge for them).

    And that’s OK, that’s what GPL is all about. So in a way, I’m glad trolltech can sell licenses for Qt4, because it means I’m free to do the same, even if I use other GPL things to complete my final product.

    And why not? I’m sure A LOT of hard work went into Qt4, and they should be rewarded for their hard-work.

    That’s just my two cents…

  32. On 2 May 2020, 11:43 by JBK

    And LGPL is better in what way?

    Sorry, but this isn’t a concern for a GPL project.

  33. On 2 May 2020, 10:21 by amitg

    I don’t like Qt because of its dual licensing (QPL+GPL). I think dual licensing hurts the philosophy of OpenSource and GPL. They are selling Qt to use in closed source proprietary software while there is no guaranty that this QPLed library doesn’t have any portions of code from that GPLed copy of QT (might be applied as patch/feature to GPLed copy).

  34. On 24 May 24240, 11:32 by BlackStar

    The problem with Qt4 is that it cannot render text with subpixel rendering and slight hinting. Turn on subpixel renderning and it forces full hinting (which looks awful). Turn off subpixel rendering and you no longer have enough horizontal resolution for slight hinting to work.

    They’ve promised to fix this bug in Qt 4.5, but having such problems in shipped code doesn’t speak well about their development process / testing.

  35. On 3 May 3030, 10:05 by al

    for me qt » gtk
    for me the most of the powerfull multimedia application are written on qt
    qt4 are fast!
    now vlc will written on qt OMG




    kde it’s my DE

  36. On 15 May 15150, 2:06 by JBK


    Don’t be stupid and use qtconfig-qt4.

  37. On 14 May 14140, 3:41 by luisfe

    Woow!! I have to say i’ve always wanted a qt gui for vlc. Thank you very much!!

    by naD:
    t feels like it’s more responsive, too (at least here on Arch with Openbox).

    You’re right I feel that runs more smoothly now!!
    And i also use Arch but with KDEmod.


  38. On 12 May 12120, 1:40 by Steviant

    Bummer, no more VLC for me then.

    Qt4 applications don’t allow proper configuration of font rendering on Ubuntu so the fonts look all wonky and don’t integrate properly with a Gnome/KDE 3 desktop.

    Bye VLC, it’s been nice knowing you… Give me a call when you get a clue and learn to play nice with other apps.

  39. On 1 May 1010, 9:42 by naD

    I’ve just tried v0.9.3 and have to say that I like the new interface very much - it feels like it’s more responsive, too (at least here on Arch with Openbox). Really good work, thanx!

  40. On 30 May 30300, 5:46 by JBK

    Well, maybe you are right, but there are enough applications I use and see on KDE that shouldn’t use KDElibs but Qt, but this IMVHO.

    Anyway, thanks for those interesting comments, it is better than the usuals….

  41. On 27 May 27270, 1:47 by Jakob Petsovits

    Sure, that’s exactly what I meant - VLC doesn’t need the additional kdelibs features, so going Qt only is a fine choice for you. Makes perfectly sense here, whereas for other applications using desktop libraries will be the better choice. Everyone gets what they deserve, so to say :P

    My point was just to counter the quote where you’re saying that a lot of applications that are already using KDE or GNOME libs should switch to pure Qt or GTK. That doesn’t make sense for everybody, although it makes sense for VLC.

    (The GTK world is certainly headed in a direction where desktop specific libraries are being made obsolete, they try to push many of those to a lower level - gio into glib, additional widgets into GTK, libcanberra as optional independent dependency, stuff like that. I don’t see this happen for kdelibs in the mid-term future though, as many of its components just don’t fit that well into Qt.)

  42. On 26 May 26260, 9:32 by JBK


    Very interesting point of view, and argumented.

    However, the architecture of VLC make the interface just ONE module, and not the core at all.

    So we don’t need any networking code from KDE, nor SVG ou Jpeg rendering, I don’t even speak of phonon, since VLC can be used as a phonon-backend.

    Using KDElibs would just add password remembering and proxy integration, but even on KDE many people use Firefox… So, well, that is not much for us… And doesn’t justify dependency on a big library… Especially on Windows/Mac.

  43. On 26 May 26260, 6:20 by Jakob Petsovits

    I have also been so bored of seeing two time the
    same development one based on KDE libs, the
    other one on Gnome libs, when it could juste be
    based on Qt libs and GTK libs. A lot of things
    should be standardized and should not rely on
    the desktop manager…

    Well, in principle that’s true, however for many applications the toolkit doesn’t provide the level of integration that the developers aim for.

    Especially the stuff that you only want to configure once and then expect all applications to pick up the settings - like, proxy settings, icon theme (with system-wide cache for faster loading), how to display notifications (or have them output as sound), which application to open with a given mimetype, how to avoid global shortcut conflicts with other applications, having a file dialog that shows folder bookmarks that the user added when using another app’s file dialog, or the ability to store passwords in your favorite wallet instead of having each application do that in its own insecure way. Stuff like that doesn’t belong in the toolkit, that’s a matter of desktop integration. In fact, a minor part in desktop libraries (at least, in kdelibs) is concerned with integrating in a specific desktop but making it possible at all - for example, functionality like Phonon or proxy settings can be implemented in kdelibs for Windows as well, and make it possible to integrate better there too.

    Also, Qt doesn’t provide some of the nicer functionality (I’m sure the same is true for GTK) so kdelibs adds a few gimmicks, like network transparent file access, automatically remembering toolbar layouts, additionally widgets for date selection / icon buttons / HTML editing and others, spelling/grammar checkers, standard .po file support for localization, or more advanced hardware abstraction. kdelibs just adds this stuff because people didn’t want to duplicate the code for each application that’s based on Qt, so they stuck it in a library on top of it.

    Other functionality hasn’t been in Qt for a long time, like a capable HTML widget (Qt now has WebKit), non-trivial sound and video support (Qt now has Phonon) or SVG rendering capabilities (Qt now has QtSvgRenderer). KDE’s SVG renderer was phased out in KDE 4 in favor of Qt’s, whereas the other ones are still new and need to stay in kdelibs if only for binary compatibility reasons.

    Anyways, the point is that people don’t use desktop libraries only because they want their apps to be used with a certain desktop, or because they like bloat. (The “certain desktop” argument is moot at least with large parts of KDE 4 integrating nicely with Windows and OS X.) They use it because they’re missing functionality in the toolkits, so they share the code instead of doing a one-man show with their application.

    I’m sure VLC is perfectly happy with essential toolkit functionality like the character support issue, and that’s fine. However, dismissing the utility of desktop libraries just because you don’t need them is the one statement that I disagree with in your otherwise very balanced post - many Linux users expect that level of integration, whereas it’s just not important for Windows because all the other apps are behaving vastly different anyways.

    I hope that didn’t sound like a rant or something, I’m glad that you VLC guys went with a solution that you think makes sense. (If in a few years you switch to GTK for similar reasons, that will be just as fine!) I don’t use it in my KDE because of the mentioned integration issues, but I install it on all Windows systems that I set up, and love it there.

    Keep on the good work!

  44. On 22 May 22220, 12:18 by JBK

    You are welcome.

  45. On 22 May 22220, 12:05 by toplist

    Thanks you

  46. On 19 May 19190, 11:01 by JBK

    1. Well, we don’t remove code, so of course wx is still there.
    2. I still don’t understand the issue about having a toolkit that is GPL, but I think I will never understand it. GPL is great, because it is viral. I like the philosophy.
    3. Not native Gtk feel, like ?

  47. On 19 May 19190, 12:44 by ekerazha

    It is bad because it is a GPL library/graphical-toolkit, not because it is GPL, for the reasons I’ve already explained. VLC is not a graphical toolkit and yes… I don’t use KDE, Opera, Skype etc.

    At that time, when we had that discussion, QGtkStyle didn’t exist. However it’s only a hack/workaround. Yeah, you have GTK-styled controls, but you still have a QT style-feel.

    The important thing is to know that the source of the wxWidgets UI is still there :-)

  48. On 18 May 18180, 2:00 by JBK

    I don’t censor anything, but I automatically delete all messages that goes in spam, which might be the issue.

    However, IIRC, your only argument was to not use any Qt, because:

    1. you don’t like it. this is not an argument
    2. It is bad because it is GPL, and you don’t like a toolkit which is GPL. VLC is GPL, so, sorry, this is a plus. I will not go into a license fight.
    3. You don’t like that it doesn’t integrate correctly. Well, look at QGtkStyle for Gtk Integration it uses NATIVE gtk widget.

    Anyway, do whatever you want.

  49. On 18 May 18180, 1:50 by ekerazha

    You should know JBK censored some messages of mine (when he couldn’t reply with decent arguments).

  50. On 11 May 11110, 8:24 by Niki

    I don’t like QT (GTK looks better for me), but if it makes you more inclined to update VLC interface… Please go on!

    BTW, QGtkStyle is still not 100% working (it is a very good effort, and works well for most situations, but in my case, it doesn’t render background images, which means it still looks (slightly) different)

    Anyway, the current wxWidgets interface is already alien to the rest of my desktop; it uses the same widgets, but… well, I’m sure the next interface will be better, even in QT :-)

  51. On 10 May 10100, 1:37 by alfonz

    i think, that it isnt good idea….

  52. On 28 May 28280, 10:10 by JBK

    Tom: you are totally right, and I have a post about this QGtkStyle

  53. On 28 May 28280, 6:18 by Tom

    Typical GTK+ trolls. This has been rehashed so many times….

    BTW, Qt can now render using the GTK+ styles. As in whatever the hell GTK+ is using as a widget style Qt will take that look on.

    KDE, by virtue of using Qt. Can also have its applications look like GTK+ apps now.


  54. On 28 May 28280, 10:09 by JBK

    You are just a troll… Trolling about LGPL being better than GPL for a library when you are using windows… Are you serious ? This won’t affect you at all. VLC is GPL, Qt too. End of story.

    I guess you don’t use any KDE, Google Earth, Opera or Skype.

    You don’t want to read the post I make, fine. I just don’t care. The default interface will be Qt, but we don’t remove code, so just use the wx plugin instead of the Qt plugin.

    If you don’t use VLC anymore, it is fine with me. But not using an application that is GPL using GPL libraries because you think one library should be LGPL can seem quite weird to many people.

  55. On 27 May 27270, 3:21 by ekerazha

    This is a different thing. You should be clearer when you explain your points of view.

    You said “it will replace totally the wx Interface”, now you say “for the Windows build”. I could think the wxWidgets interface will be discontinued at source-code level (and this would affect also custom builds).

    However… my reasons are the same also on the Windows platform. QT is always QT… on Windows too.

  56. On 26 May 26260, 7:06 by JBK


    Qt4 will be default shipped with the Windows build, the one that VideoLAN take care…
    For linux, the distributions do what they want, but they will probably ship the different packages… Read my last post about this point.

  57. On 25 May 25250, 9:56 by ekerazha

    Of course, but…

    " * First, it will be shipped in parallel to the wxWidgets Interface"


    • Then, it will replace totally the wx Interface."


  58. On 25 May 25250, 8:03 by JBK

    So, use the old interface that use wxGTK! It still works on new versions.

  59. On 24 May 24240, 9:39 by ekerazha

    wxWidgets uses a LGPL-like license: http://www.wxwidgets.org/about/newl…

    I want a GUI and I don’t want QT libraries and QT applications, because of the reasons already explained…

    Try again…

  60. On 24 May 24240, 8:47 by JBK

    Yes, good explanation:

    • You don’t want to use a software because it uses a GUI toolkit that hasn’t the license it should have according to you ? Just to say, wx isn’t LGPL
    • You don’t want to use VLC, GPL, because it uses a GPL GUI ? Knowing that vlc can be used without Qt, but wx…

    I am sorry, but I think you are a troll.

  61. On 24 May 24240, 1:11 by ekerazha

    Dude… maybe because, for the reasons already explained, I don’t support QT libraries and QT based applications. What don’t you understand about this? :)

  62. On 21 May 21210, 9:15 by JBK

    Hé a troll!

    1. VLC is GPL only, so why do you care about Qt not being LGPL ?
    2. VLC+QT, bye bye ? Worse comment ever… Use wx GUI then.
    3. You such a troll that SpamHaus blocked your comment… Amazing…

  63. On 21 May 21210, 12:44 by ekerazha

    1. QT is evil… because it is GPL (+ some exceptions)/commercial and not LGPL (like GTK). I think graphical toolkits should be available, for free, to everything (also not-GPLed - but open source - or closed source applications) in order to provide easy access to the toolkit (without buying a license from Trolltech) and a consistent environment to the end-user (gtk2qt is just an hack), independently of the programs he uses (GPLed or not).

    2. Bye bye VLC+QT… I know you will miss me, eh eh eh…

    3. Excuse me for my poor English but it isn’t my native language :-P

  64. On 18 May 18180, 11:54 by JBK

    @gea: very easy, just use -Idummy or -Irc in command line after vlc:

    vlc -Idummy


    vlc -Irc

  65. On 17 May 17170, 12:29 by gea

    How could I use vlc without GUI ?

  66. On 25 May 25250, 4:52 by JBK


    I think you make a mistake since, Qt is free for GPL on all the platforms, since Qt4. And if you don’t do GPL, you don’t care about VLC.

    The Qt Open Source Edition is available for the development of OpenSource Software for Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X under the GPLlicense.

    from their main site.

    Anyway, as usual, not being the default does not mean removing the code. VLC is modular. Use the module you want.

  67. On 25 May 25250, 4:16 by jiMMy

    While Qt may be an excellent choice for porting & maintaining videolan, wouldn’t it be too pricey for people on non-linux platform (no QT/GPL)? Do we have to fork out $3300 for a single developer/platform ( not qualify for academic & educational license)?

    The freedom (compile, etc.) as accorded by your GPL license will hence be useless because we can buy a commercial video player at a fraction of
    the Qt license price.

    Yeah, please do remove support for wxWidgets….

  68. On 20 May 20200, 11:32 by JBK

    @Ego: Well, you are right, BUT, when you install Qt libraries, you are not installing KDE libraries. Same for GTK and GNOME.

    For some people, this size on disk and memory consumption is important.

  69. On 20 May 20200, 11:10 by EgoLayer13

    OK, to all the people saying “QT is not KDE and GTK is not gnome”, let’s get serious. QT is the widgets toolkit for KDE, GTK is the toolkit for Gnome, and most people are sticking to their guns on which one they’ll be using, even if KDE/Gnome libs themselves aren’t explicitly used. On that note, though, I love VLC and recently switched to KDE. Can’t wait to see the new ui.

  70. On 23 May 23230, 10:50 by FloMo

    Good choice !

    QT4 is speeder than QT3, stable & is very multiplateform. With QT4, the code is very clean.

    It’s run with very good performances, integration & stability under Linux, Windows ( all version from Win98 to Vista ) & MacOS ! It’s now Open-Source under Windows.


  71. On 14 May 14140, 2:02 by JBK


    That is not linked to GNOME, just to Qt vs GTK…

  72. On 13 May 13130, 6:32 by troll-tech

    Great news, gnome sucks.

  73. On 27 May 27270, 5:25 by nothing


  74. On 24 May 24240, 1:00 by JBK

    wx must be dropped because it is broken.

    VLC is not the default player in ANY Xfce / GNOME distribution, because they think TOTEM and crappy GStreamer are best. And because of software patents.

    Qt is not KDE! And do you know that most users of VLC are using windows?

    Anyway, I got a good news. There will be a GTK interface later :D

  75. On 23 May 23230, 11:21 by Harold

    Ah crap… VLC will be the first -and only- QT app I’ll ever use… It’s a real shame that the wx interface gets dumped over time…

    A lot of distro’s shipping Xfce or Gnome will think twice before making VLC the default media player if it lacks a GTK/wx interface. VLC will lose a lot of users this way…

  76. On 30 May 30300, 11:29 by JBK

    Mac OS X interface will stay native. But we have some people working on improvements on that one too.

  77. On 29 May 29290, 10:54 by Alex

    I hope now it would be easier to implement drag and drop for adding subtitles to a video! It’s a pain in the ass to open the video with the “open file” dialog in order to select also the proper subtitle file.

    I also think it was time to have a new look and feel!

  78. On 29 May 29290, 10:01 by Clapp!

    And what will occurs with Mac OS X support?

  79. On 29 May 29290, 4:57 by Anonymous

    Qt is really a great toolkit. By using it, both developers and users will benefit. You have made a good choice :)

  80. On 25 May 25250, 11:30 by AC

    Rock on!
    I switched my little project from wx to qt4 long ago, and so far qt has been a joy to work with.
    Congrats, and looking forward to 0.9.0!