Setup a thinkpad T61p: part , installing linux

1 October 2007

Insert a CD of Etch Net Install.

At the command line, fire expertgui at start.

Choose language and set the keyboard. Go on with CD-ROM detection. Continue, continue, and continue.

Choose the Intel Pro Ethernet as your primary interface, launch the DHCP detection.

Partition your drive with / in sda5, swap in sda6 and /home in sda7 in ext3. Save and format the drives.

Continue with the timezone (automatic) and the clock (automatic).

Create the users and go on to install some packages…

Install grub on (hd0.2) and reboot on gparted.

Set the flag boot on the ext3 partition and reboot.

Log in root

vi /etc/apt/sources.list add deb unstable main non-free contrib deb-src unstable main non-free contrib

apt-get update && apt-get dist_upgrade wait

apt-get install vim zsh build-essentials ssh aptitude deborphan localepurge xserver-xorg apt-get install gnome or kde reboot

Here is the lists


I advice you to use the 2.6.23-rc9 kernel in order to have a proper audio support :D


USe the latest NVIDIA driver, it works flawlessly.


Down the driver AND the ucode on this page:

tar xvf ../iwlwifi-4965-ucode- cd iwlwifi-4965-ucode- cp *.ucode /lib/firmware

tar xvf ../iwlwifi-1.1.17.tgz cd iwlwifi-1.1.17 make; make; make install modprobe iwl4965


Downlod thinkfinger in

apt-get install libusb-dev libpam-dev

tar xvf thinkfinger.tar.gz cd thinkfinger/ ./configure with-birdir=/etc/pam_thinkfinger with-securitydir=/lib/security make make install

Follow the rest on

Jean-Baptiste Kempf