This week in VideoLAN - 25

8 November 2015

25th week of VideoLAN reports

Here is a new report detailing the work that happened during the last week in the VideoLAN community.

The last weeks have been crazy busy in VLC development, so this week was finally calmer, because we’ve focused on bug fixing and testing. :)

Features and changes


The week started with the removal of the old Smooth Streaming input, deprecated by the new demux code added last week. As the new one is less hackish and has more code in common with HLS and DASH, this should be a big win.

Then, Thomas added a flush and a drain function for the audio filters in the core, and started using it for the new SoXR resampler. It was merged internally, later during the week, with the video filter flush.

We’ve added support for the Closed Captions (608) from DirecTV in our H.264 playback packetizer.

libbluray was updated to 0.9.1 to support more BD-J menus.

The core was fixed to correctly preparse directories items, which should fix the Android directories view. A test was added to be sure that this will not be broken again.

Finally, a potential crash was fixed in libvlc_media_release, we’ve had more fixes in the adaptive streaming code, deadlocks during pause were fixed, and we’ve had a few fixes about block discontinuities.


On Android, this week, we’ve been working on the 1.7.0 release, fixing some important bugs and regressions.

We’ve started the week by fixing the fact that some NowPlaying meta were ignored for webradios.

The SoXR resampler was activated in the Android builds; this should remove most the distortions people were hearing, in the past releases.

We’ve removed the ArrayAdapter from the Video List, to speed up the view and, at the same time, fixed some navigation issues, introduced by the new sidebar code.

On ChromeOS, we’ve replaced the Directory browsing to support the native open dialog.

Finally, we’ve worked on the broacast and control intents and removed the RemoteControlClient class, replaced by the new MediaSessionCompat code.


This week was quite calm on the iOS front, because most of the work was done for the Apple TV port.

I can’t detail too much the new features, but there were quite a lot of commits, and some very exciting ones, so that we can have a correct first release soon. :)

More news on that later. :)


After the numerous fixes of last week, we’ve fixed some issues on still-frames menus, and we’ve pushed the libbluray 0.9.1 release, on our website.

Please test and report broken Blu-Rays!

That’s quite a bit for this week! See you soon!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf