This week in VideoLAN - 42

24 April 2016

42nd week of VideoLAN reports

After a very busy week last week, here is another weekly report about VideoLAN and VLC development.


I’m surprised we’re already at 42 and I haven’t stopped doing it!

Sometimes, I’m not sure it’s really useful, since I don’t see many comments…

But lately, some people who don’t comment on this blog told me, in real life, that I should continue, so here is a new report.



Once again, we started the week with fixes for the WinRT/UWP build.

We got numerous small fixes for the Qt interface, notably for resizing issues of the main interface and in the preferences.

Marvin improved the Mac OS interface status-bar icon look and behavior.

François continued his work on the DVB scanning, notably splitting in a better way the DVB access from the TS demuxer module, which is a cleaner design.

VLC has also now gained the ability to auto-rotate the JPEG photos using the EXIF data.

Finally, a vlc_close function was introduced to be able to use posix_close instead of close when available.


This week, we published version 1.9.8 of VLC for Android, adding notably subtitles download for local files, and media information on the Android TV version.

In this version, we pushed numerous fixes too, notably for repeat, metadata, resuming files and popup video support.

Then, the bindings for the keyboard and remote was changed too: left/right arrows seek, down arrow shows the controller, up arrow show the advanced options and center play/pause.

We also fixed numerous issues with RTL languages and layouts; and improved the code with more databinding.


On Tuesday, we pushed VLC 2.7.5 for iOS and VLC 1.0.4 for tvOS. Those release are mostly targeting improvements in SMB shares browsing.

Since then, we’ve readied VLC 2.7.6/1.0.5, focusing on improving the shares browsing, Dropbox, TouchID and the video filters.


On WinRT, the week was quite busy.

We improved the speed and reliability of the libVLC core, notably so that we can use more features of the UWP platform and so we can have a stable 64bit build.

We also improved the interface, based on people’s feedback on our screenshots, notably for the settings and the global navigation.

The video player was also re-themed and you can have PiP when browsing the application, if a video is still playing.

That’s quite a bit for this week! Thanks a lot and see you next!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 8 May 8080, 2:15 by Jean-Baptiste Kempf

    @New Notifications: I never delete comments, except when they are direct insults. However, my spam filter is cleaning a lot of comments, that is true, since I usually have more than 200 spam comments per entry.

  2. On 6 May 6060, 7:30 by yUNZU

    Hi JB,
    When vlc UWP beta release? you said in early may? but there is no any news

  3. On 5 May 5050, 12:55 by sheepdestroyer

    I keep reading it hoping from 3.0 news

  4. On 4 May 4040, 5:12 by carl

    I love these weekly updates, and I’m sure many others do too!

    Also, it makes VLC feel more “human” than any other organization.

  5. On 3 May 3030, 1:42 by Kalten

    Continue, je lis ton blog toujours avec intérêt.

  6. On 30 May 30300, 11:17 by Ahmad

    I don’t usually comment but I do regularly check on this blog. Thanks for vlc and for the updates. Wishing you guys all the best.

  7. On 28 May 28280, 7:18 by New Notifications

    “Sometimes, I’m not sure it’s really useful, since I don’t see many comments.”

    You hypocrite! You are constantly removing comments that you don’t like!

  8. On 26 May 26260, 1:32 by Cheese

    Sorry I’m not used to comment on websites, especially on blogs, but I want you to know that your blog is read regularly with attention and interest!
    I don’t know if you remember but I told you some weeks ago on the #videolan IRC that I missed your report! All improvements are good to hear, and especially when you’re not inside the organization it’s a good way to keep us on track with last news.
    Anyway keep up the good work you and your fantastic team and…
    Vive la France.

  9. On 25 May 25250, 11:05 by Apeman

    Yes, this is very useful. I read it every week.
    I use VLC on Windows, Android and WinRT and find it very useful to know what’s upcoming, especially for the latter two OS.
    And I agree, this should be linked to from the main VLC page since this is IMO the best resource for learning what’s new in VLC.

  10. On 25 May 25250, 8:05 by Love Florgård

    Much appreciated!

  11. On 25 May 25250, 4:04 by Adam Dempsey

    I haven’t commented previously have don’t have much to add, but do find the updates very interesting and great to see how much work is being down across all of the different apps, keep up the great work! :-)

  12. On 25 May 25250, 5:15 by Alex

    It’s incredibly useful. In fact it should be linked to right on the main VLC page.

    Or AT LEAST fix - a guy several weeks back under the nick “Note” mentioned that your blog is no longer reflected on that blog roll and he’s absolutely right. It still is broken - just checked, the last blog post of yours it picked up was the 15th anniversary post. You gotta read the comments too sometimes. ;-)

    The main page videolan page should make more obvious. Like under community add “Blogs” very so even novices would see it.

  13. On 25 May 25250, 4:03 by J. McNair

    Thank you for VLC and these regular updates. I am also grateful for all your hard work, and the work of all the other developers on VLC and its sister projects.

    As a grateful VLC user, it is difficult to make substantive comments. Your posts are very informative and helpful, and there is little I can add. I can (and SHOULD) express gratitude more often, but I worry that the same “thank you” message will become dull after 42 weeks.

    I don’t want to ask unhelpful questions like “when will VLC 2.2.x or 3.x release?” and “when will you have feature X?” However, I don’t have the knowledge or expertise to make better comments than “I am excited for feature Y” or “hooray for optimizations and better code”

    All the same, thanks again I hope you continue these updates.