This week in VideoLAN - 47

13 June 2016

47th VideoLAN report

A new week, a new weekly report about the VLC and VideoLAN communities!



After an intense previous week, most of the work was focused on stabilizing features and bug fixing. Therefore, the changelog will be quite short. :D

In the core, we pushed multiple fixes for preparsing and input slaves and we added tests for those features. We also fixed issues in the media discoverer code.

On the modules side, we notably had fixes in the bluray, the oss, the adaptive streaming, the OS X video output and the UPnP modules.

Finally, we added an OpenGL provider for Windows, in order to add back the support for OpenGL visualisations, like projectM.


Same story on Android, we focused on fixing issues, to prepare the release 2.0.

We pushed RC2 and RC3 on the store to fix crashes reported by the first set of devices where the application was pushed.

We redesigned a bit the speed setting, as requested in our Google+ group.


On WinRT, the focus was also on bug fixing and preparing a release. The more important bugs were on Cortana integration and metadata management.

However, we also activated the downloading of subtitles from Internet, notably the OpenSubtitles website.

We also improved the browsing of local network servers, similar to what we did to the Android port.

That’s it for this week, stay tuned!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf