VLC media player release: 0.8.6e and coverity

1 March 2008


We just released a new stable version.

This version is ONLY focused on security vulnerabilities and minor bugfixes.


0.9.0 version is in the work, and an alpha preview is due soon. :D


I am quite unpleased with Coverity, that does a free scanning of open source projects. We applied many times for VLC, and they always replied that they would do it soon, but they actually never done it. :'(


This is a bit bad, because VLC is one important Open Source project, and more used that some of the projects they already scan…

Anyway, this is a bit problematic, because we need help in finding security issues and do some auditing of the VLC media player code. And since there are web plugins on VLC, this is dangerous.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 12 May 12120, 8:44 by Jean-Pierre

    I cannot still read video cds with VLC. However, I can read DVDs. Here are a few messages :/Users/JeanPierre/Documents/VLC problème.tiff/Users/JeanPierre/Documents/Plantage ouverture VLC.tiff/Users/JeanPierre/Documents/Plantage VLC.tiff/Users/JeanPierre/Documents/Plantage VLC 1.tiff/Users/JeanPierre/Documents/Plantage VLC 03.tiff/Users/JeanPierre/Documents/Plantage VLC 04.tiff/Users/JeanPierre/Documents/Plantage VLC 7.tiff/Users/JeanPierre/Documents/VLC.tiff

  2. On 8 May 8080, 3:06 by Jean-Pierre


    Sorry, but I cannot read CDs video with VLC on my MAC 10.05.2. The reading starts but after a few seconds or usually less than one minute it stops and the image stays on the screen. Could you help me ?

    Thank you very much.

  3. On 1 May 1010, 12:00 by JBK

    I wasn’t speaking about our upstreams, but about our code.

    The libraries we are using are 3 millions lines of code, but VLC is also 600,000 lines of code. So I would love to have OUR lines of code security scanned as we find many security issues those days in VLC.

  4. On 29 May 29290, 6:43 by gQuigs

    Try Working on your upstreams…
    Try to get some of the projects you use on Rung 0 moved up to Rung 1.. Good first step.
    FFmpeg is on there and NOT participating in the coverity scan.