VLC releases

29 July 2013

Today, we’ve published quite a few version of VLC, for your pleasure.

VLC 2.0.8

The first release is a stable release of VLC: 2.0.8.

This is a necessary update to fix a few crashes and security issues that are important enough to deserve an upgrade.

Moreover, as VLC 2.1.0 is slowly approaching, upgrading the stable branch is important for many GNU/Linux distributions, or for OS and architectures that won’t be supported in 2.1.0 anymore.

Unfortunately, there is no much fun in this release :)

Still, grab your version of VLC 2.0.8!

VLC for Android 0.1.3

As you might have seen, Android 4.3 was released last week, with numerous improvements and fixes.

Unfortunately, this broke the video output of VLC on Android. Moreover, the saddest part was that Google started deploying the upgrade right away on the Nexus devices.

Therefore, we had to do a quick bugfix branch and a 0.1.3 release to fix this problem.

Get it now on our website or on the Google Play store.

VLC 2.1.0-pre2

But the most interesting release is probably the second pre-release of VLC 2.1.0, named “Rincewind”.

Rincewind Rincewind by tarthiev.


Many features are present in this new branch. I will describe the highlights.

  1. VLC 2.1.0 development cycle allowed us to ports VLC to mobile OSes, including Android, iOS (again) and WinRT (ongoing).
    This is important because it will help VLC to be more portable for tablets, phones, smartTVs or boxes.
  2. Following the numerous issues on the audio side of VLC 2.0, the audio core has been mostly rewritten, including a rewrite of most audio output modules, and of many audio filters.
    This should allow us to fix volume delay, crackling, multi-channels issues and improve performance.
  3. We introduced many hardware decoders and encoders, for performance reasons, for mobiles and desktop in order to decrease the power usage when using VLC.
    This includes OpenMaX for Linux and Android, Media SDK on Windows and VDA on Mac OS X.
  4. We added support for numerous new codecs, formats and protocols, including a preparation for Ultra-HD, notably for new codecs, like VP9 or HEVC, that are arriving soon.
  5. A few new video and audio outputs, filters and converters, to increase VLC capabilities, have been addded.
  6. Some interfaces, notably the Mac OS one, got a bit of polishing, to solve the few rough edges VLC has.
  7. A relicense of most of the libVLC library code license to LGPL has happened, to allow wider spreading of our technology.
    This also extends to numerous language bindings.
  8. Some important improvements on the Webplugins, including windowless mode and increasing reliability, are also part of the package, to please our web developers friends.


Fun fact: there have been 6999 commits since the split of 2.0.0 from master and the tagging ofr 2.1.0-pre1, creating a diff of more than 4 million lines :)


You can download this preversion now!

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 2 May 2020, 1:48 by Author Name

    There is no Android version on http://www.videolan.org/vlc/downloa… to which you link. Only another link to Google. It would be useful to have an actual download link there.

  2. On 30 May 30300, 1:40 by Jeezy4

    Still nothing on the side of scaling for HiRes displays !