top 10 VLC most wanted features

15 November 2006


Here are some features that are often asked, but still not implemented. A lot of features that are asked are already in VLC (like flv, wmv, extra audio…)

  • Full-screen buttons and control
  • Full-screen buttons and control :D

This is marked twice since this feature is a lot more asked than the others.

  • Browser plugin buttons and control

If this plugin could detect and replace flash player or embedded windows media player, it would great. damienf could look at this.

  • Subtitles improvements

I would love this one. It could mean a lot of changes in Vout, but would be so great, because VLC is so bad at handling subtitles compared to MPC.

  • Global hotkeys

To control VLC, even doing something else. I have no idea how to do this…

  • Better hotkeys

A better mapping of the key and better preferences for thoses key shortcuts would be great. Maybe in Qt GUI.

  • Better UI

This is under work for vlc 0.9.0, and we might do a real skins2 contest for 0.9.0.

  • RealVideo

This is unlikely to happen. Those bloob are not wanted. I am very glad that VLC can now read by itself WMV movies, without those dlls.

  • RTSP/RTCP improvement (for VoD mainly)

This is more for pros.

  • Port to PalmOS, MacOS9, PS3, etc…

I think PalmOS has some problem dealing with threads, MacOS-9 is a bad OS, and no dev runs it. PS3 should be doable, since it is PPC based, but we may need material. And all those ports need a lot of work and time, and VideoLAN is a bit short-staffed.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 26 May 26260, 3:09 by Flv Player

    Thanks for the information…

  2. On 21 May 21210, 11:51 by jonnuz

    Hello j-b, after long time of being off-line… i’m the guy that maked the actual design of the website, all those are interesting features, fullscreen buttons, subs improvements, better ui :D indeed i make my first skin but it’s very simple, also in my spare time i’m make another variation of the actual design. It will be great to update the current webdesign in one of the next versions of vlc.