stats for 2009: 90 million visits

3 January 2010

2009, a transition year for VideoLAN

As I was saying in my presentation at the VideoLAN Dev Days 2009, 2009 was an important year for VideoLAN:

  • VideoLAN has become an non-profit organization
  • VideoLAN Dev Days (end of ‘08) helped to structure and take decisions
  • VLC 1.0.0 was tagged and released
  • DVBlast and VLMC were started
  • Acceleration of development, and communication around VLC and VideoLAN
  • Lots of ideas for the future were discussed.

Statistics and Website

One of the question we have the most is: How many users VLC has?. The answer is quite difficult to get, and we’ll rediscuss about it later.

However, there are trends that are easy to measure, and Google Trends is not the only option here. :)

One of the important way to measure the VLC popularity is to check the audience of Website and its increase. numbers for 2009

In 2009:

  1. VideoLAN has seen over 90 million visits on its website,
  2. from 68million different IPs.
  3. Pages view are around 480million pages.
  4. Best month was december, with 9,25 million visits.
  5. 0 advertisement.
  6. and is hosted on a single machine :)

Compared to 2008, this is an increase of 50%, since we had 60 million visits in 2008!

Operating Systems changes

Comparing December 2009 to 2008, our traffic is split like this:

  • Windows: 79,3% (from 81,4%)
    • Windows 7: 17%
    • Windows Vista: 16.6% (from 21%)
    • Windows XP: 43,6% (from 57,2%)
    • Windows 2000: 0,5% (from 1.1%)
    • Windows 9x/Me: 0.3% (from 0.8%)
  • Mac OS X: 12,4% (from 10.8%)
  • Linux: 4.1% from 5.2%

And the rest…

Conclusion: nothing surprising here, and we see that 7 is already ahead of Vista… We were right to drop Win9x support :D

Browsers changes

Comparing December 2009 to 2008, our traffic is split like this:

  • Firefox: 42,8% (from 45,3%)
  • Internet Explorer: 33,9% (from 39%)
    • IE6: 7.8% (from 14%)
    • IE7: 7.8% (from 23,4%)
    • IE8: 17.7% (from 0.7%)
  • Safari: 8.3% (from 8.9%)
  • Opera: 3.1% (from 3.2%)
  • Chrome: 6.5% (from 0.7%)

Conclusion: well, here, seeing Firefox loosing 3% in one year (in fact 2% in December alone) seemed weird, while Google Chrome is quite strong. I can’t say I am much surprised though.

Jean-Baptiste Kempf


  1. On 25 May 25250, 9:23 by streaming

    Au-delà de l’évidente originalité de votre blog, je remarque que ce post est une très belle trouvaille.
    Bonne continuation et continuez ainsi !

  2. On 21 May 21210, 10:39 by kikidu

    En gros, est ce qu’une personne passe par php pour arriver à une page de votre site ou juste par le serveur web.

  3. On 19 May 19190, 9:07 by plombier paris

    Très intéressant comme article.
    J’ai fais un petit tour et j’aime beaucoup votre blog, continuez ainsi ;)

  4. On 22 May 22220, 9:32 by mumuri

    ok donc le plus optimum ^^

  5. On 21 May 21210, 6:50 by JBK

    @mumuri: on code en php, passe par une moulinette qui génère du HTML statique. Donc 99% des gens ne passent jamais par le php.

  6. On 20 May 20200, 8:42 by mumuri

    quand tu dis contenus statique, c’est que vous avez un script php qui génére une version statique du site html ou que vous avez un script php (type spip) qui met en cache les pages si elles ne le sont pas déjà. En gros, est ce qu’une personne passe par php pour arriver à une page de votre site ou juste par le serveur web?

  7. On 13 May 13130, 1:27 by Dejekted

    I just wanted to say I love your program….but I really hate that I looked at your resume….you have done alot in the Tech industry and your barely older than me….now I feel like a loser… Thanx mate.

  8. On 10 May 10100, 12:32 by JBK

    @mumuri: beaucoup de ram et que du contenu statique, ou presque.

  9. On 9 May 9090, 4:57 by mumuri

    il a quoi comme config votre serveur web pour arriver à ternir la charge ?

  10. On 8 May 8080, 2:09 by Samuel

    Great guys! VLC is just superb. Great work guys. Keep it up!