
Curriculum vitæ

I’m the president of the VideoLAN non-profit org, one of the lead developers of VLC and maintainer of numerous open source libraries. I’ve lead numerous projects around VLC and the VideoLAN community, including ports of VLC on mobile platforms and LGPL relicensing of libVLC.

You can find a version of my resume in PDF.


If you need a short biography, you can use this one

Jean-Baptiste Kempf is the president of the VideoLAN non-profit organization and one of the lead developers of the open source VLC media player.

Jean-Baptiste is a 38-year old French engineer and has been part of the VideoLAN community since 2005. Since then, he has worked on or lead most VideoLAN related projects, including VLC for desktop, the relicensing of libVLC, the ports to mobile operating systems, and various multimedia libraries like libdvdcss or libbluray.

He also created the legal entity of VideoLAN, a French non-profit organization, in 2008.

Jean-Baptiste has also been working in various video-related startups, and founded VideoLabs, a company focusing on open source multimedia technologies.